Monday, June 30, 2014

Hola Students!  Hope you all are having a great summer!  This seems a fun challenge to do over the summer, especially if you're 9+ yrs old and super duper creative and innovative!  Complete the submission requirements below, have your parents sign the permission form, and submit it online!  If you have any questions, let me know.  The contact form is on the right side.  ---->  

1. First, name your helicopter! (This will be the title of your entry.)
2. Next, tell us about your helicopter idea and provide a detailed description. 
• What will your helicopter look like?
• What will it do, or how will it be used?
• How will it be fueled?
3. Now, let us know why and how your helicopter will help change the future of helicopters.
4. Explain the features your helicopter will include and how your helicopter is an improvement on 
existing helicopters.
5. Attach at least one drawing of your helicopter concept. You may attach up to 3 images.
6. Let us know. How did you learn about the competition?  

Good luck!  It's due on September 30, 2014.

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